Nü debut in the UK with its compostable range of Bamboo Baby Nappies
Author Martin Dorey on 14.11.2020
Nü makes its debut in the UK with its compostable range of Bamboo Baby Nappies. Through new production innovations, Nü offers an alternative that is truly better for the user, parent and planet. Globally we have a challenge where each year over 92% of disposable nappies end up in landfill, with most ‘eco’ solutions primarily focused on sustainable paper use rather than reducing the use of plastics. UK businesses have been slow to respond to consumer demands for a sustainable alternative. NU recognise that the customers seek truth and transparency, and are looking to trust products, that not only performs against expectation, but also responds to the global challenge of reducing the long term impact on our planet.
Our Product
Nü provides a tried and tested answer to the problem that is landfill waste, deforestation and lack of environmental sustainability. We believe our Bamboo product range is the solution because its stand out feature, is its ‘end of life’ credentials and potential.
Nü product features include:
- Naturally Compostable
- Made from sustainable resources
- 100% tree-free Bamboo based
- Compostable packaging
- Patented technology
- Chlorine free
- Excuse free
Nü is a group of passionate and principled individuals
We are driven by the opportunity to create real change and make a genuine difference. The business has been developing products and solutions that provides a smarter choice for consumers, combining a great product with a credible ‘end of life’ solution in a category struggling to meet the heightened expectations and trust of consumers, there is a universal call to reduce the long term damage that rampant consumerism is causing our planet – Nü recognises sustainability is a must have, not a fashionable add-on. Nü was created to challenge the conventions of the baby care market, that no longer represents what savvy parents are looking for…nor what’s good for the planet. We are offering mothers and fathers the personal responsibility for their choices and actions, that recognises their individuality whilst empowering them – it’s time for change. We are the change.
Nü offers savvy and progressive retail/distribution partners the opportunity to bring real choice, a choice that your customers can employ to deliver genuine change…starting today, for tomorrow.
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