Nü has launched in Singapore, SE Asia
Author Harvey Samuel on 17.05.2021
Since Nü entered the hygiene care industry in 2010, we have continued to find innovative new ways to provide modern-day solutions to modern-day problems. With the success in the UK of our range of Nappies, Wet Wipes, plastic free straws, cutlery, and Eco Packaging, we have now launched our brand and products in South-East Asia.
Research conducted by several world-leading environmental bodies and institutions determined that Singapore is indeed one of the most environmentally sustainable nations.
However, in Singapore, the recycling rate of plastics dropped from 11% in 2013 to 6% in 2017, (National Environment Agency, 2018). Despite the rapid expansion in plastic consumption in Singapore, recycling rates are stagnant, fluctuating between 6% and 13% in the last 15 years.
Singapore uses about 1.76 billion plastic items each year, according to the Singapore Environment Council’s position paper published in 2018. This includes 820 million plastic bags from supermarkets, 467 million PET bottles and 473 million plastic disposable items.
In the Covid era, Singapore households generated additional 1,334 tons of plastic waste during circuit breaker lockdowns. Amid heightened concerns about hygiene and a surge in food delivery and takeaway orders because of the circuit breaker, the consumption of single-use plastics has inevitably spiked.
This represents a great challenge but also a fantastic opportunity for Nü to offer every individual in Singapore a personal choice, which we believe we are well placed to empower people to take a step in the direction of a more sustainable and ethical future.
For more information about how Nü is making the change in Singapore, please contact us.
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